Borrowed Data Escapes Outside Of Function

Borrowed Data Escapes Outside of Associated Function

srcmainrs2415 19 fn fmtself f Mut Formatter

In Rust, borrowed data refers to data that is not owned by the current scope. When borrowed data is used outside its associated scope it is called "escaping outside of the closure body". This can lead to runtime errors and undefined behavior.

One example of this is when a borrowed value is passed to a thread. The thread may outlive the original scope, causing the borrowed value to become invalid. This can be avoided by creating a copy of the borrowed value before passing it to the thread.

Another example of borrowed data escaping is when a mutable borrow is used immutably. This can occur when a mutable reference is passed to a function that takes an immutable reference. This can lead to data races and other undefined behavior.

To avoid borrowed data escaping, it is important to be aware of the scope of your borrowed values. Only borrow data that is needed within the current scope, and avoid passing borrowed values to threads or other functions that may outlive the original scope.

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